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It doesn’t matter what you want to work on, there’s a 30-Day Challenge for you!
30-day challenges aren’t about dramatically changing your life. They’re about trying something different or new. Maybe a small habit change (that you could hopefully keep past the 30 days) or maybe something crazy that you wouldn’t want to do forever.
Table of Contents
What are the pros of 30-Day Challenges?
- you have to do something every single day.
- short enough to stick to it, long enough to learn something.
- it’s only 30-days: what do you have to lose?
What are the cons of 30-Day Challenges?
- many only have short-term results
- some challenges are too diffiult, too involved, or too time consuming to be done every day. They can be overwhelming and the chances of success are almost none.
How to Do a 30-Day Challenge
Only do ONE 30-day challenge at a time.
I repeat: ONE AT A TIME.
Start by choosing a challenge. Make sure you know why you’re doing it – to get better at something? To develop a long-term habit?
Do the challenge for 30-days. When you’re done, evaluate. Should you do it again? What are the long-term effects going to be?
Then start another challenge!
30-Day Challenge Options
“Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just … haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals.”
30-Day Fitness Challenges
Doing a 30-day fitness challenge is a great way to master a particular move or jumpstart a workout routine.
A 30-day workout challenge can focus on a particular move (like a squat challenge), a designated number of exercise minutes a day (30 minutes is common), a type of exercise (like yoga), or a specific body area (like legs, core, or arms).
Check out some of these popular 30-day exercise challenges:
Walk 10,000 Steps a Day
Get yourself a Fitbit (or any brand of step tracker) and start walking.
The 30 Day Core Challenge
Do various core exercises every day for 30-days.
The Beginner 30 Day Plank Challenge
Do planks every day for 30 days.
30 Day Run Challenge for Beginners
Become a runner (kind of) in 30 days.
30-Day Food & Diet Challenges
Doing a 30-day food or diet challenge is a great way to try something new. However, make sure that your challenge is healthy and reasonable.
A 30-day food or diet challenge can focus on a particular food, cooking, diet, or a small healthy change.
Check out some of these popular 30-day food and diet challenges:
Vegetarian Challenge
If Vegan is too much, try vegetarian for 30 days.
Cook a New Meal Challenge
Use this list of 50 meals and make a new recipe every day.
The 30-Day No Sugar Challenge
Cut out sugar from your diet for 30 days.
30-Day Learning Challenges
A 30-day challenge is a great way to learn something new. Think of something you’ve always wished you could do and give it a go!
Choose something that you’ve always wanted to learn and commit to spending 30-days doing a little bit every day (15 to 60 minutes).
Try one of these popular 30-day learning challenges:
Learn a Language
Use Duolingo to spend 10+ minutes a day learning a new language.
Learn to Draw in 30 Days Challenge
Always wanted to learn to draw? Try a 30-day challenge
The 30-Day Guitar Challenge
Interested in music? Start learning guitar!
30-Day Creative Challenges
If you’re the creative type, a 30-day challenge could inspire you in a new direction, reinforce something you’re doing, get you back into a habit, or push you out of your comfort zone.
Try one of these popular 30-day creative challenges:
The Ultimate 30-Day Journal Challenge
Keep a journal for 30 days.
Write a Book
Write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. In November, this is known as NaNoWriMo.
30-Day Self Improvement Challenges
A 30-day self-improvement challenge doesn’t have to be a time-consuming thing. You can choose to eliminate negative aspects of your life, things you waste time on, or make an improvement.
Try one of these popular 30-day self-improvement challenges:
30-Day Social Media Detox
What happens when you give up social media for 30-days?
Quit the News for 30 Days
What happens when you don't read the news for 30-days?
30-days of Early Mornings
Learn how to remake (and love) the morning.
30 Day Minimalism Challenge
Start clearing out your stuff this month.
30 days to Better Finances
Take these little steps over 30 days to improve your finances.
30-Day Good Habit Challenges
Habits can be big or small. 30-day challenges are great ways to develop new habits that you’ll stick with long term.
Your 30-day good habit challenge can be something really small (like floss every day) to something complex (like be happier).
Try one of these popular 30-day good habit challenges:
30-Day Meditation Challenge for Beginners
Try meditating every day.
30 Day Floss Challenge
You should floss every day. Make it your challenge for the next 30 days.
A Better You…

…can start in just 30-days.
You’re not going to become a completely different person, but you could start developing a habit that makes you better.
Just try something for 30-days and see what happens!
Ready for more? Check out How to Set SMARTER Goals next.
Until next time,