feature: adding intermittent fasting to your diet (advice for many popular diets)

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So you’ve checked out the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting and want to know if you can use it with your current diet.

Combining Intermittent Fasting & Diets?

Intermittent fasting can be done with any diet – just plan your meals according to your chosen intermittent fasting method.

Here are some guidelines for popular diets.

Intermittent Fasting on a Low-Carb Diet

Popular low-carb diets include Atkins, keto, paleo, and whole30.

Incorporating intermittent fasting into a low-carb diet isn’t difficult. 

Step 1: Choose your low-carb diet.

Step 2: Do your low-carb diet for a few weeks until you’re comfortable with it.

Step 3: Choose your intermittent fasting method.

Step 4: Incorporate your method into your diet.

The most popular form of fasting on a low-carb diet is to do the 16/8 method.

The challenge you’ll face on a low-carb diet is hunger. This sounds like a huge negative, but it can be corrected. 

Low-carb diets involve eating very filling foods, this prevents hunger for long periods of time. The problem is that you may not eat enough during your non-fast time. This will lead to hunger during your fasted times.

The solution is to make sure that you eat close to the end of your non-fast time.

It is extremely popular for people to do the keto diet and intermittent fasting together. So popular, that I have an entire post dedicated solely to that. For more information on Keto and intermittent fasting, check out Intermittent Fasting with Keto.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan: 16/8 + Paleo

Sample Schedule for the 16/8 Method of Intermittent Fasting
  • Hour 4: Break your fast with something low-carb. After fasting for so long, you don’t want to spike your blood sugar.
  • Hour 7: You’re no longer in a fasted state, and you still have hours of eating ahead of you. This is the time to eat your higher carb foods (such as fruit). 
  • Hour 11: You should try and eat as close to the end of the hour as possible. Remember, this is going to be the last thing you eat until tomorrow morning. Again, keep it high fat and low-carb.
  • Snack: Snacks are completely optional. If you’re hungry, eat one. If you’re not, skip it. 

Try one of these great paleo recipes:

Intermittent Fasting on a Regional Diet

Popular regional diets include the Mediterranean diet and the Nordic diet.

Incorporating intermittent fasting into a regional diet is easy. 

Step 1: Choose your regional diet.

Step 2: Do your regional diet for a few weeks until you’re comfortable with it.

Step 3: Choose your intermittent fasting method.

Step 4: Incorporate your method into your diet.

The most popular form of fasting on a regional diet is to do the 5:2 diet method.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan: 5:2 + Mediterranean

Sample Schedule for the 5:2 Diet Method of Intermittent Fasting

Check out this complete 7-Day Mediterranean+Keto Diet meal plan. 

Or, check out these recipes for a Mediterranean Diet.

You can follow the diet as is, just skip two days of eating (not in a row, though). Or, feel free to add in a few healthy whole grains if you don’t care to be doing the keto part.

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Intermittent Fasting on a Reduced Meat Diet.

Popular reduced meat diets include raw food, vegetarian, and vegan.

It’s not difficult to incorporate intermittent fasting into a reduced meat diet. 

Step 1: Choose your reduced meat diet.

Step 2: Do your reduced meat diet for a few weeks until you’re comfortable with it.

Step 3: Choose your intermittent fasting method.

Step 4: Incorporate your method into your diet.

A popular form of fasting on a reduced meat diet is the crescendo method.

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan: Crescendo + Vegetarian

Sample Schedule for the Crescendo Method of Intermittent Fasting

Four days of the week, enjoy a normal (healthy) vegetarian diet. The other 3 days (not in a row), you’ll only eat during a four-hour window.

  • Hour 4: Break your fast with something fairly low-carb. After fasting for so long, you don’t want to spike your blood sugar.
  • Hour 7: You’re no longer in a fasted state, and you still have hours of eating ahead of you. This is the time to eat your higher carb foods (such as fruit).
  • Hour 11: You should try and eat as close to the end of the hour as possible. Remember, this is going to be the last thing you eat until tomorrow morning. Try to stay moderately low-carb for this meal. 
  • Snack: Snacks are completely optional. If you’re hungry, eat one. If you’re not, skip it.

Try one of these great vegetarian recipes:

Intermittent Fasting on Other Popular Diets

Other popular diets include DASH and WW (Weight Watchers).

If you’re doing Weight Watchers and want to incorporate Intermittent Fasting, you need to be aware of how you use your points.

The hardest to keep track of would be the 5:2 diet method because calories and points aren’t the same.

Weight Watchers followers would do best on the 16/8 or the Eat-Stop-Eat method.

Whatever method you choose, you should severely restrict your ability to carry points over. 

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan: Eat-Stop-Eat + Weight Watchers

Sample Schedule for the Eat-Stop-Eat Method of Intermittent Fasting

You can choose any two days (not in a row) to do your fast. Follow your regular weight watchers diet plan during the 5 non-fast days. On the 2 fast days, don’t eat.

Here are some excellent sample meals plans that you can use for your non-fast days:

You Can do Both!

CLICK FOR: how to add intermittent fasting to your diet

There’s no reason you can’t try intermittent fasting with whatever diet you’re currently on.

Try one of the suggested schedules above, or choose a different one. Share your choices in the comments.

Doing the Keto diet? Check out the Complete Guide to Doing Keto & Intermittent Fasting Together next

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CLICK FOR: the four most popular intermittent fasting methods (16/8, eat-stop-eat, 5:2, crescendo)


CLICK FOR: how to do intermittent fasting and keto together